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You're just one decision away from becoming the person you want to be

Deborah helped me to learn to be better and taught me to understand that the difficulties that life can present to us can be overcome. Deborah taught me to face my fear and deal with external situations that always cause me huge distress. She taught me how to accept that everything is not under my control and how to take things into proportion. I came out of therapy feeling more confident, feeling more valued, feeling like I no longer have to suffer all the time. I feel that Deborah took all the ‘darkness’ out of me and I feel free thanks to her. 

I sometimes think ‘what would life be like if I didn’t have Deborah?’ Within about two seconds my heart starts racing and I begin to feel anxious. You help me help my child. You teach me how to teach him and you guide me on how to guide him. You have literally been my rock through this year and for that, I will be eternally grateful. It is so clear to see that this isn’t just a job for you. You become part of people’s lives. In all honesty, you are the most important person in our life (no pressure😊) and I’m overflowing with thanks and appreciation for everything you have done and continue to do.

Deborah has empowered me and given me practical tools to help me cope in some very difficult situations. Before we began working with Deborah I felt in the depths of despair and very lost, like I was drowning in a deep, dark sea. The techniques and strategies I have learnt have shown me that I am in control of even the hardest circumstances, and I feel I have been given lifelong skills. Deborah is so kind, empathetic and reassuring. I have felt that I have been carried the past few months and that is priceless. Her warmth, sensitivity and lack of judgement means that I not only look forward to our sessions, but I can’t manage without them!

Starting today, you can have control over your unruly thoughts and emotions, take back the authority that anger, anxiety and depression have over you, and unlock the limitless power within you.


Experience therapy sessions tailored completely to you and your goals, from the comfort of your own home, with a therapist who knows the unique struggles, challenges and pressures of womanhood and motherhood.


All it requires is small steps, because small steps lead to big changes.


Are you ready to change your life?





For almost 20 years, I didn’t know I had depression

Life threw me a curveball when I was 25. That's when I became a mother for the first time, to a son who was later diagnosed with autism. Less than two years later, my daughter was born with Down's syndrome.


My life was changed instantly. Instead of the pictures of motherhood I'd had in my mind, I faced a reality of two children with profound special needs and challenging communication difficulties. 


I began to suffer from unrelenting anxiety and depression, for 17 years.


But at the time, I didn't even know it! I felt too productive and functional to be depressed: I wrote two books, set up an award-winning project educating children about special needs, and had three more children.


Now I know that yes, I was busy - but in reality, I was keeping busy to avoid my pain. 


And this ability for anxiety and depression to be hidden is exactly what makes them so difficult, and so harmful. We hide them from ourselves as much as from others.


We subconsciously choose specific behaviours to distract us from our feelings - even though it means imprisoning ourselves until we can’t even remember how we got to where we are. Then of course we fear other people finding out. There is a taboo against getting help from a therapist. 


These behaviours affect the way we communicate with our parents, children, and spouses, and our family's overall sense of well-being.


This is my story. Yours will be different, but we will share the same symptoms. I know what it’s like to wake up feeling helpless each morning. I know how depression drains, exhausts, and debilitates, and I know how negative self-talk reinforces the problems. 


I have overcome, and so can you.


Your story matters to me, and I’ll help you get into the driving seat and take control of your life, 


to let go of what’s been holding you back, 


and own who you are.


Just one step at a time.

Deborah not only helped me through a particularly challenging time in my life and marriage but helped me work through specific thought patterns that had held me back for as long as I can remember. Now when I feel anxious, I have specific tools that keep me from shutting down. I am able to move through my anxiety without it controlling me, my life and those around me. Deborah also helped my husband and I work together to understand each other better and to communicate with more clarity and compassion. Deborah is compassionate, wise, kind, relatable, funny, practical, and solution orientated. I really don’t know where I’d be without her! Thank you, Deborah, for everything.

Therapy with Deborah is not only a healing experience, it is an opportunity to change how you think. 

After my stillbirth, I knew I needed to speak to someone about what i went through and luckily, Deborah knew what I needed much better than I did. 


Our sessions were not like past therapy I did where I sat and complained, paying hundreds of dollars for someone to basically listen to me vent. This was a chance to change my negative thoughts. It was a chance to evaluate how I was thinking and understand what is rational, what is irrational and how to deal with both. 


Deborah got me through my darkest days after the stillbirth and the tools I learned in our sessions allowed for a much less stressful subsequent pregnancy.

I was suffering from severe panic attacks and acute anxiety, and due to COVID restrictions and lockdowns I was mostly isolated from family and friends. My daily experience was of utter chaos and fear.


Deborah clearly articulated what was happening to me and why. From the depths of my pain and despair, her reassuring words were the lifeline I so desperately needed. For the first time, I felt heard. 


It has been a transformative experience and from the scared and helpless shadow of a person that I was, after years of suffering, I am now empowered to face anxiety whenever it hits through the coping skills Deborah has taught me.


Deborah is truly one of a kind. It’s not just her vast professional knowledge and experience which make you feel safe and in good hands, it’s her ability to work with the individual in front of her. Instead of offering generic advice, Deborah works with you step by step to uncover and extract your own unique thoughts, and then reflects back new perspectives that can literally shift your reality.


Please complete this form to apply to work with me

Do you want to change your life?
Do you agree with the following statement? I deserve to be happy and in control of my emotional response in stressful situations?
Are you prepared to invest in your mental wellbeing and changing your life?

Thank you for getting in touch - your message has been received and I will reply as soon as I can

© 2022 by Deborah French

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